CollegeStudents meet up with their friends for an authentic and fun community, practical teaching, and small group conversation centered around what it means to know Jesus Christ.

Bible Study
We provide a Bible study for College students every Thursday at 7:30pm in the Paloma room. We are walking through the book of John this semester.

The Hangout
We provide an opportunity for you to be with friends, or to make new ones, as we enjoy our Young Adult hangout space in Paloma.
College hangout every Tuesday at 7:30 PM during the school year.
Leaders: Lauren Meadows and Destiny Tackett

Tuesday Study Session
We meet every Tuesday at 2:00 PM in the Paloma room to have an open space to study or ask any deep questions that come to mind.
Meet College Leaders
Destiny Tackett & Lauren Meadows
Destiny is a co-director of campus and youth ministry. She is a graduate of Malone University with experience in Christian leadership since 2022. She is passionate about bringing the gospel to students and helping them understand what it means to grow in their faith.
Lauren is a co-director of campus and youth ministry too. She is a graduate of Malone University with a passion for youth and college ministry. She enjoys reading, hiking, trying new coffee shops, and spending time with friends.
We hope to build a space of welcoming community of Christian fellowship. If you are new to Kent State or are seeking a community of believers, join us for fun events and grow deeper in your faith!